Fixing i3status window titles

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2014-01-28

Everything is configurable

i3 allows you to configure and change pretty much everything. I am still loving using the window manager and have found it can make my work flow faster and much more efficiently. Ran across this post with some more tips on using and customizing i3.


i3status is documented separately from the normal i3 config, check man i3status for the man page. You can change what items are on the status line through the config file (located at /etc/i3status.conf). You can change how it appears in the normal i3 conf file though - located at .i3/conf. I made a few changes to the bar section of the i3 configuration file:

bar {
    status_command i3status
    font pango:Droid Sans, Ioicons, FontAwesome 8
    colors {
        background #000000
        statusline #33aaff
        focused_workspace #11aaff #005500
        active_workspace #11aaff #005500
        urgent_workspace #ffffff #990000

Even change the window title fonts!

OK, so this isn't really hidden but up in the .i3/config there is a section that defines the font for the window titles. Look for the # Font for window titles section. I changed the font line to give me Verdana font for my window titles:

font pango:Verdana 10

Nothing to it!