Finding the Median of a list

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2014-01-08

If given a list of numbers, how can you use python to find the median?

i3 Challenge

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2014-01-07

Tiling window managers have always intrigued me. I have tried a number of them but never for long enough to really get into them. Now I am starting the new year (well, ending 2013 too) with a one week challenge to use i3 as my window manager. Here is the chronicle of how that went.

Favorite Vim Plugins

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2013-12-31

A brief overview of the Vim plugins I use most, where to get them and intro on installing them using pathogen.

Finding non-unique elements in a list with Python

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2013-12-30

A few ways to solve the first Checkio problem in python.

Jekyll Introduction

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2013-12-29

Great overview that came with the Jekyll Bootstrap setup files. Good place to start to learn about Jekyll and what it can do for you.

Setting up a github blog using Jekyll Bootstrap and Disqus

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2013-12-18

I have been playing with blogging for a long time, now I am ready to take the next step and try doing a static blog hosted on Github's gh-pages service. Here is how I set it up, started with basic posts, did some theme experiments and even added comments. Overall not as difficult as I thought but there were some pitfalls and traps to avoid.

My Hello World

written by Thomas C Hicks on 2013-12-17

Testing the blog, learning how all this stuff works.